How to Add an RSS for Autoposting

There is an option to do auto posting via a chatbot.

To configure such campaigns, in the "My bots" drop-down list, select a chatbot and click the "Bot settings" button.

Bot settings

Open the "Autoposting" tab and click "Add channel."

The Autoposting tab

Insert the RSS feed URL in the "RSS URL" and click "Add RSS channel."

Adding an RSS channel

Once you add an RSS channel, you can delete or edit it.

Channel options

In the "Edit" window, you can enable or disable the channel and change the notifications settings for it.

Notification settings

Regular notifications come with a sound signal.

Silent notifications come only with a screen notification. Use this notification type for campaigns that don't require immediate reaction.

Without notification means that messages will come without the signal, but with vibration.

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