How to Сreate a Test

You can create a test to assess students' knowledge and skills for each section of the course they complete. Customize the test page, add questions and other media, and set a score for each correct answer.

Add a Test

Go to the "EDU" section in the "Courses" tab, and select the created course to which you want to add a test.

Click on the arrow next to the “Add Lesson” button, and select “Add test.”

You can also create a test using the lesson builder. Click on the top left menu, and below the lesson list, click on the arrow, and select "Add Test."

Enter a name for your test.

Add a test description.

Add a Question

Enter the question text.

To change the question formatting, click on the text itself — you will see the editing panel. Change the color and font to highlight keywords and headings.

You can also add a link, format the text as a list, and add your style code via < >.

Add Answer Options

Enter your text for each answer.

To add more answer options, click Add in the panel on the right.

Choose the Correct Answer

Select the correct answer in the panel on the right.

To select multiple answers, activate the "Allow multiple answers" option.

Add a Next Question

To add another question, click on the "+" sign below the created question.

You can also copy your question if your questions are similar or if you have the same answer options.

Customize the Order of Your Questions

To rearrange your questions, click on the “Down” or “Up” arrows.

Add More Elements

By default, the test consists of questions and answer options. You can diversify your test and add additional elements: text, gallery, audio, file, line, and indent.

You can also customize the page style and font of each heading.

Set Up a Test

Go to the list of lessons, and select "Test Settings" in the drop-down menu next to the created test.

Set Up Access

Select the access to the test for your students:

Active: the test is available to the student. With a non-linear lesson order, they will be able to view it immediately, and with a linear one, they will be able to view it only after completing all the previous lessons and reaching that section.

Inactive: this option makes your test unavailable. Students will see the "Lesson is unavailable" notification instead of the test.

Schedule content availability: this option makes your test available after a certain period of time (on a specific date or in a specified number of days after the previous lesson).

You can schedule content availability only for courses that are already running or are scheduled to run at a future date. This feature is not available for inactive courses.

Test results completion affects students’ certification according to your selected course criteria ("Complete all lessons and pass the tests" and "Pass the tests").

If you select one of these criteria in the settings, make sure that all your tests are available — otherwise, students won’t see them and won’t be able to complete your course.

Set the Pass Attempt Number

Choose how many times a student can take the test to improve their score. You can choose the number of attempts from 1 to "Unlimited."

If you select "1," the student will be given only one attempt to pass the test.

Set a Score for the Correct Answer

Specify how many points you want to assign for each correct answer to the test question.

If a student did not select all the correct answers in a multiple answer question, they will not receive any points for it.

Set a Score for Passing a Test

Specify how many points a student has to gain to pass a test. The specified value must not exceed the maximum number of points for all test questions in total.

Successful completion of each test with a minimum passing score determines if a student will receive a course certificate if you selected the "Complete all lessons and pass the tests" or "Pass the tests" completion criteria in the course settings.

Set Your Question Display Order

Choose the order in which students see your test questions. If you want to randomize the order, turn on the "Show questions randomly" toggle.

Show the Correct Answer

Used to highlight the correct answer if a student has selected an incorrect one.

Show Answer Explanations

To reinforce students’ knowledge, you can also add answer explanations and show them to students who are taking a test. After selecting an answer, students will see an explanation for each correct answer.

To enable the “Show answer explanations” option, you need to turn on the “Show the correct answer after an error” toggle first.

Click Apply to save the settings, and type in your answer explanations below answer options.

Additional Actions

If you have the same or similar elements in your course, you can copy sections, lessons, or tests to speed up the process of course development.

Go to the left sidebar menu, and click the three dots icon next to your section name.

Duplicate: this option allows you to add the exact same section with all its lessons, tests, and settings to the current course.

Copy to course: this option allows you to add the exact same section with all its lessons, tests, and settings to another course.

The “Copy to course” option is available with the 1,000-student plan and above.

Delete: permanently deletes the test.

In this case, all the test progress will be lost for students who gained a passing score.

Test Statistics

To view statistics, go to the "Statistics" > "Analytics" tab. On the right, there is a block with statistics on tests. The top indicator shows the total number of tests, and the lower ones categorize them.

Passed: this indicator means that a test was passed and a passing score was reached.

Partially passed: this indicator means that a student has started taking a test but has not finished it yet.

Failed: this indicator means that a student took a test but did not reach a passing score.

The same block shows the average test result.

In the "Tests" tab below, you can see how well your students coped with each test.

Opened: this indicator displays the number of students who opened a test but did not take it.

Passed: this indicator displays the number of students who reached a passing score.

Failed: this indicator displays the number of students who did not reach a passing score.

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