How to Сreate a Section

Divide your lessons into sections to help your students perceive the information you present better.

In this article, we'll take a look at how to add a section and description to it and set up the estimated time for completing the section and access to it.

Add a Section

Go to the "EDU" section in the "Courses" tab, and select the created course to which you want to add a section.

Click on the arrow next to the “Add Lesson” button, and select “Add Section.”

You can also create a test using the lesson builder. Click on the top left menu, then click on the arrow below the lesson list, and select "Add Section."

Enter a title and description for the section.

Set Up a Section

Go to the list of lessons, and select "Section Settings" next to the desired section.


Open: this option makes your section available to the student. With a non-linear lesson order, they will be able to view it immediately, and with a linear one, they will be able to view it only after completing the previous section.

Close: this option makes your section unavailable to the student. You can prepare new lessons in advance.

Schedule content availability: this option makes your section available after a certain period of time (on a specific date or in a specified number of days after the previous lesson).

Schedule Availability

To set a content availability date, select "Schedule content availability," enable the "On a date" option, select a date in the calendar, or enter the required date. Click Apply.

You can schedule content available only for courses that are already running or are scheduled to run at a future date. This feature is not available for inactive courses.

If you set a specific section availability date, then all its non-scheduled lessons will be available on the same date.

You can set up your section to run in a specific number of days after the previous section’s publication date.

Enable the "In" option, enter the number of days after which you want this section to become available, and click Apply.

If you want all the subsequent sections to be available after the same period of time, activate the "Apply to all sections in this list" option.

Time Limit

Set the estimated time the student can spend to complete all the lessons in the section: unlimited, 5 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour.

Copy and Duplicate Elements

If you have the same or similar elements in your course, you can copy sections, lessons, or tests to speed up the process of course development.

Go to the left sidebar menu, and click the three dots icon next to your section name.

Duplicate: this option allows you to add the exact same section with all its lessons, tests, and settings to the current course.

Copy to course: this option allows you to add the exact same section with all its lessons, tests, and settings to another course.

The “Copy to course” option is available with the 1,000-student plan and above.

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